Monday 19 August 2019


In our class we have been learning about Sustainability. We were talking about how can we reduce the amount of waste in our school community and beyond. What We learnt about sustainability is when the world is getting dumped with rubbish and how we can keep our environment clean. I really enjoyed doing this because i got to learn more about sustainability.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Yesterday our year 6 learning Neighbourhood on a trip to the enviro centre to talk about rubbish. We went on foot which meant we had awhile to walk there, so in the meantime we went to Botanical Gardens for a bit and to have some morning tea. After that we walked down to the Enviro centre and they were explained to us why we should pick up rubbish and how we could reduce some of our waste instead of it going to the landfill. There lots of ways we could reduce our waste like using bamboo spoons, Plates, Forks, and Toothbrush. We learnt lots of things about reducing, Composting, Worm farming.